National contact point in Latvia
The Interdisciplinary Education Innovation Center of the University of Latvia is a direct cooperation with the scientific education community in Europe!
The Scientix National Contact Points (NCPs) provide an important link between Scientix at European level and the activities taking place in your country. They communicate with the national communities of STEM professionals, inform about Scientix activities and organize seminars, webinars and other events.
The NCP also monitors and analyzes national initiatives in science education policy and practice, which is then published on the Scientix website, providing an overview of national science education initiatives in Europe.
Scientix promotes and supports Europe-wide collaboration between STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) teachers, education researchers, policy makers and other STEM education professionals.
Initially (2009-2012), the project set up an online portal to compile and present European STEM education projects and their results, and organized a number of teacher seminars. The main networking event was the Scientix conference in Brussels in May 2011.
The aim of the second phase of the Scientix project (2013-2015) was to expand the community in each of the participating countries. Through its network of National Contact Points (NCPs), Scientix reached out to teacher communities in each country and promoted the development of national strategies to increase the use of data-driven and other innovative approaches in science and mathematics education.
These activities also continued in the third phase of Scientix (2016-2019), funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 program for research and innovation. Originally initiated by the European Commission, Scientix has been coordinated by European Schoolnet, a consortium of thirty Ministries of Education in Brussels, which is also a key factor in learning innovation and promotes European cooperation between schools and teachers.
The fourth phase of the project (2020-2022) has now been launched.
Project title: “Scientix4”
Funded by: HORIZON 2020, Research and Innovation Program
Project implementer: EUN Partnership
Project partner: University of Latvia - Scientix National Contact Point in Latvia
Project implementation deadline: 15.10.2020. - 31.12.2022.
Total costs at the University of Latvia: 12,000 EUR
Project manager: leading researcher, Dr. math. Ilze France
Project objectives:
Support for the promotion of the Scientix network and STEM education
- Distribution of Scientix at national level
- Organization of STEM education professional development activities:
- 4 webinars
- 4 seminars
- 2 conferences
- supporting schools in developing STEM strategies
SCIENTIX ambassadors
Scientix Ambassadors, members of our teaching team, promote and inform Scientix members - science and mathematics teachers across Europe.
They present Scientix in schools and national teacher associations, conferences and seminars, and give teachers advice on how to get involved in European cooperation on STEM. They also help develop and test a variety of Scientix tools and services, and ensure the pedagogical quality of Scientix storage materials.
If you would like to give a presentation on Scientix at your school or include it as part of another event, you can contact the Scientix Ambassadors
- Biruta Pjalkovska - Rīga |
- Zane Pilsneniece - Ulbroka, Jūrmala |
- Ilze Šmate - Pāle |
Contacts for cooperation
Laine Blūma, Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Innovation project coordinator
- e-mail:
- phone.: 28351676
- “Operational framework to support capacity building of educational professionals for school improvement solution development in schools and municipalities”
- “Innovative solutions for blended learning implementation: teaching and learning process in the digital transformation context”
- “Individualized and personalized support system for students' reading, mathematical and scientific literacy development”