Saleniece, I., Namsone, D. (2020). Skolas vadības darbību ietekmējošie faktori: Latvijas gadījuma izpēte (Identifying Factors Influencing School Leadership Practices: Case Study of Latvia). In SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference, Vol III, 22-23.05.2020 (pp. 552-561) Rezekne, Latvia http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2020vol3.5125  Pilnteksts: http://journals.rta.lv/index.php/SIE/article/view/5125/4574 Prezentācija 

Pestovs, P., Namsone, D. (2020). Vērtēšanas datu interpretācija matemātikas valsts līmeņa darbos, izmantojot raša (rasch) modeli (Interpreting large scale national level assessment data in mathematics by using rasch analysis). In SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference, Vol III, 22-23.05.2020 (pp. 457-469) Rezekne, Latvia http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2020vol3.5118  Pilnteksts: http://journals.rta.lv/index.php/SIE/article/view/5118/4566 Prezentācija

Bērtule, D., Greitāns, K., Namsone, D. (2020). Primary Science Teachers’ Performance Assessment about Students’ Cognitive Activation. NFSUN 2020. 9-12.06.2020. Aarhus, Denmark. Pilnteksts 

Greitāns, K., Bērtule, D., Namsone, D. (2020). Science and Math Teachers’ Performance Assessment about students’ self-directed learning. NFSUN 2020. 9-12.06.2020. Aarhus, Denmark. Pilnteksts 

Greitāns, K., Namsone, D. (2020). Design of scientific argumentation centered unit about hydrocarbons. The 15th  European Conference on Research in Chemical Education ECRICE 2020. 6.-8.07.2020. Rehovot, Israel. Kopsavilkums

Greitāns, K., Dudareva, I., Namsone, D. (2020). The development and assessment of blended learning-based in-service teacher’s professional development model. 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation ICERI2020, 9-10.11.2020 

Pestovs, P., & Namsone, D. (2020). Developing a framework for school level data complex analysis to improve student achievements. 13th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation ICERI 2020, 9-10.2020 Prezentācija

Saleniece, I., & Namsone, D. (2020). The role of educational leadership in student performance disparities: case study of Latvia. 13th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation ICERI 2020, 9-10.2020 Anotācija

Pestovs, P. (2020). Ko mēra diagnosticējošie darbi matemātikā 3. un 6. klasē? Latvijas Universitātes 78. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Dabaszinātņu didaktikas sekcija, 27.01.2020. Rīga, Latvija. Prezentācija